Every transaction includes the following:
- Service Fees
- Royalty Share
- Remained Revenue
When you trade with other users on OurSong, we will charge the buyer/seller a service fee based on the transaction price. We will also allocate a portion of the transaction price to the music license(s) who issued the work (e.g., the user who sold it for the first time) as a royalty share.
First Sale and Secondary Market Sale
First Sale
Revenue | Service fee | |
Creator (seller) |
87.5% (Royalty shared within creators based on Remix Revenue Split & Revenue Share settings) |
12.5% |
Buyer | - | 2.5% |
Secondary Market Sale
Revenue | Service fee | |
Creator |
10% (Royalty shared within creators based on Remix Revenue Split & Revenue Share settings) |
- |
Buyer | - | 2.5% |
Seller | 87.5% | 2.5% |